Vendredi 1 et lundi 12 décembre les classes inscrites au dispositif lycéens au cinéma participent à la projection de Daratt


    Le Tchad se remet difficilement de ses années de guerre civile. Atim, un orphelin de 16 ans, vit avec son grand-père aveugle. Un jour, ils apprennent à la radio que le gouvernement a décrété une amnistie générale. Le vieil homme donne alors un pistolet à son petit-fils et lui demande de retrouver et exécuter l'homme qui a tué son père. Dès son arrivée à N'Djamena, le jeune garçon se fait battre et ne doit son salut qu'au jeune Moussa, qui le cache chez sa tante. Pendant quelque temps, ils vont vivre de combines quand, au détour d'une rue, Atim aperçoit Nassara, l'assassin de son père. Ce dernier lui propose une place d'apprenti-boulanger...


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  • Commentaires

    lilia mohamed
    Lundi 18 Décembre 2017 à 16:12

    Ce que j'ai beaucoup aimée dans ce  film  c'est qu'on Atim n'a pas tué Nassara et le laisse partir 

    Ce que j'ai pas aimée c'est qu'on Atim arrive pour la première fois à N'Djamena et ce fait frapper par des groupes d'hommes


    Mardi 19 Décembre 2017 à 11:47

    Film tout en lenteur violente; comme se fait la révélation personnelle de chaque personnage.

    Mardi 19 Décembre 2017 à 13:29

    Tout le film se joue dans les regards des personnages qui sont d'une vérité et d'une profondeur magnifiques. Quand on pense que les acteurs sont non professionnels... Ce film est d'un humanisme rare et extrêmement enrichissant pour comprendre la situation des pays du Sahel.

    élève 205
    Mardi 16 Janvier 2018 à 12:55


    Les personnages secondaires






    Dans cette critique nous allons parler des personnages secondaires du film Daratt.




    Le grand-père d’Atim:


    C’est le personnage déclencheur car il a incité Atim à se venger de la mort de son père


    Ce personnage joue bien son rôle,ce personnage est aveugle c’est le tuteur légal.








    Aicha est la femme de Nassara ,ses parents l’ont mariée de force avec Nassara qui est plus vieux qu’elle , dès l’arrivé


    d’Atim elle devient proche de lui .


    Elle se fait battre par son mari, à la fin du film elle perd son enfant.


    Par rapport à son jeu d’acteur on trouve qu’elle ne jouer pas très bien on le voit par rapport à ces émotion comme dans la scène où elle pleure quand elle perd son enfant,on voit bien qu’elle a surjoué.






    L’ami d’Atim:


    Il rencontre Atim au début du film, le défendant contre des soldats qui le frappaient, ils lient des liens d’amitié, il décide d’héberger Atim chez lui pendant un certain temps. On ne l’a plus revu après ça.


    Son jeux d’acteur dans le film était naturel, il ne surjouait pas. On voyait à travers ses émotions qu’il tenait à Atim.




    Le Soldat:


    Le soldat rencontre Atim au début du film dans un camion, il le menace avec une arme.


    On le revoit à la fin du film, lors d’une fête


    élève 205
    Mardi 16 Janvier 2018 à 13:00


    La vengeance




    Après avoir vu le film DARATT, nous allons étudier le thème de la vengeance, qui selon nous, est abordé dans le film. Atim s’est vu donner comme objectif par son grand-père de venger l’honneur de sa famille. Son père est mort pendant la guerre et l’amnistie a été votée; les morts ne sont plus venger après la guerre.




    Au cours du film, Atim est envoyé dans le village du meurtrier, Nassara, avec qui il se doit de travailler pour avoir l’occasion de se venger. Mais au fil du temps, les deux personnages tissent des liens ce qui va créer, plus tard dans le film, un dilemme cornélien. Atim est perdu entre l’amour paternel qu’il trouve en Nassara, ce qu’il n’a pas connu avec son père, et l’honneur de sa famille.




    Dans la critique de ce film, plusieurs avis ressortent.


    Certains sont contre :


    - Atim n’a pas vengé son père


    - ni l’honneur de sa famille


    - et n’a pas satisfait son grand-père


    Cependant, certains sont pour :


    - il s’est moqué de Nassara avec la femme de Nassara


    - il ne peut pas tuer une personne avec qui il a des liens.


    Vendredi 19 Janvier 2018 à 14:16

    The story was realistic and well chosen. I didn’t like this film even if I find that actors (who are not professional) play well. There wasn’t much dialogue which gives a heavy atmosphere and disturb. In this film we can see Atim as a strong character (he goes in search of his father’s killer...) but he also has weaknesses. For me the most beautiful scene was the last one when Atim takes advantage of the fact that his grandfather is blind to save Nassara. This scene shows that we can always forgive.

    Vendredi 19 Janvier 2018 à 15:05
    In my opignion,because Atim spare Nassara,he is a strong character,because it is harder to control itself that to do listen to the others and do what he asks
    Vendredi 19 Janvier 2018 à 15:42
    I didn’t like this movie that I find is a little boring
    I think the sceniaro is too basic
    Vendredi 19 Janvier 2018 à 20:33

    The most beautiful moment was the end... because the film was FINALLY FINISH biggrin no !


    I dont want to be a killjoy but, for me, this film was INCREDIBLY BORING sleep no.

    élève 211
    Samedi 20 Janvier 2018 à 09:43

    An orphan, named Atim, wants to find and kill his father's

    murderer who was killed during the civil war.

    I see Atim as a strong character because he managed to forgive

    Nassara and to face a person who could have been dangerous.

    The most beautiful scene was when Atim saves Nassara because

    we discover the kindness and the good mind of the young man.

    Samedi 20 Janvier 2018 à 11:13
    Daratt’s Review :

    In that movie there’s an interesting plot, with a lot of tension ; the characters don’t speak a lot so the atmosphere is very tense.
    At thé end, I don’t think that Atim completely forgave Nassara because he killed his father and that’s not a little thing one can forgive. I see Atime as a strong character because first : you must be strong to survive in this environement. Second : he’s strong enough to leave a second chance to Nassara and not to take his revenge, the easiest way would have been to kill him
    A nice film.
    Arnou mael211
    Samedi 20 Janvier 2018 à 11:50
    Daratt is a tchad's movies. The stories is when a civil war in Tchad. This movies is little boring because He is little boring because sometimes He has the plan serve as nothing

    hashtag the plan
    Samedi 20 Janvier 2018 à 13:22
    The movie Darrat talks about two men Atim and Nassara. Nassara has killed Atim's father also Atim wants to avenge his father of kill Nassara. Maybe Atim forgave Nassara because Nassara has a wife, a job, a baby... Atim has compassion for him.
    AC 211
    Samedi 20 Janvier 2018 à 13:46

    The movie Daratt it’s a good film but it’s a little boring because there is no action. Even so, in my opinion, the most beautiful scene was when Atim brought Nassara to his grandfather, to kill him and then he backed out. For me, this moment shows that everybody can have a second chance. He didn’t kill him maybe because it was his grandfather’s wish and not his. So Atim is both strong and weak. Indeed, he is a strong character because he stayed and worked next to the killer of his father without saying anything but he is also weak because if he were a strong man, he should have said that he didn’t kill Nassara to his blind grandfather.

    Elève 211KP
    Samedi 20 Janvier 2018 à 15:38
    He preferred to forgive, turn the page and not pursue his revenge, and it’s a good moral that the film wanted to convey « forgiveness is the only victory »
    Samedi 20 Janvier 2018 à 16:08
    Atim is a good man because he know the killer of this father but he can't kill him because Atim is not a killer.
    I think that Atim has really forgiven Nassara because he did not kill him, maybe he is attached to Nassara
    Samedi 20 Janvier 2018 à 16:24

    For me Atim has a strong personnality because of his education without his father. He is a strong character too because, when he chooses the road of forgiveness, he thinks on his own. Indeed at the beginning and the end of the story, his grandfather convince him to kill Nassara but Atim doesn't listen to his grandfather.

    The poster matches the story becauser there's the main character with a gun, so we think that Nassara is killed by Atim but it's a strong path, thanks to that, there's more suspense.

    M.B 211
    Dimanche 21 Janvier 2018 à 10:20


    I liked because the story is very emotional. It makes us think about revenge, that it’s not a good way to avenge someone; and how to forgive someone. In fact, Amit manages to live, to work and even to laugh with his father's murderer. But, I think Amit didn't really forgive Nassara, sometimes hate could be seen in his eyes. Also, Nassara treated Atim as his son, but I guess it was rather a one-way relationship. Besides, I liked the fact that we evolve in Atim's life, it was as if we were with him, in his head and we knew all his feelings.


    Dimanche 21 Janvier 2018 à 10:30

    My Impressions :

     I see Atim as a strong character. He doesn't follow his grandfather's instructions and requests. He uses his grandfather's handicap to betray him and to avoid killing Nasara.

     I don't have a favourite scene, but I enjoy when he pretends killing Nassara. It was unexpected and very moving.

     I don't think that the poster matches the story. In the poster, he looks like a murderer but he is not at all an evil person.

    élève SD 211
    Dimanche 21 Janvier 2018 à 11:20
    • I think the poster matches the story but sadly, the slogan "forgiveness is the only victory"is a spoiler for me because we understand that Atim will forgive his father's murderer.


    • I won't advise this film to my friends because I know they will be bored: they love action flims and they don't like this type of movie. I didn't really enjoy Daratt because there wasn't a lot of dialogue between the characters, it was too quiet for me and I didn't enjoy the plot.
    Dimanche 21 Janvier 2018 à 14:18
    The movie’s story is not bad because it’s about the revenge of a young man after the civil war. But the actors play wasn’t good, the scenario was also bad, the camera shots were rarely good and I was disapointed by the end.
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    JM élève 211
    Dimanche 21 Janvier 2018 à 15:53
    I think the poster doesn’t match the story; it looks like a western film with the desert in the back ground and his weapon in his hand. He looks as if he’s determined to kill Nassara because his legs apart make him appear stable; his intention to shoot looks obvious and his look reinforces his détermination while during all the movie he is hésitant, he doesn’t know if he has to kill him or not and at the dénouement he doesn’t kill him
    Dimanche 21 Janvier 2018 à 17:57

    Hey ! Today, after a detailed analysis of the of the film DARATT, we will answer your questions. To begin .. Did Atim really forgave Nassara ? I think Atim didn't really forgive Nassara, althought he didn't kill him when he can do it. Atim is very angry against Nassara, because he killed his father, but he doesn't hate him enough to kill him. At least, I think you can't forgive a man when you know that he killed your father.

    S.B 211
    Dimanche 21 Janvier 2018 à 19:16

    Daratt is a movie based on a theme, forgiveness or vengeance. Throughout the story we are going to follow the course of Atim a Chadian young person who tries to find the killer of his father.In Daratt we find differents themes, as forgiveness, religion, sharing, love... I really liked the suspense present in the movie. By watching Daratt, I could build my own opinion, particulary about knowing if Atim forgives Nassara. I think that he does'nt really forgive him , he lets him free because all along the film Nassara helped him.

    Dimanche 21 Janvier 2018 à 23:17

    I have a mixed opinion of this film, I found it a little boring because there is little music and the atmosphere of the film is very heavy... But in same time I found it kinda interesting because this is not a movie like we watch everytime, this is an original movie which etablishes an emotional atmosphere and it does very well. So I don't really know if I advise this film because it is quite special but why not. I think we still have to watch it to make his own opinion. Otherwise, I don't think Atim forgave Nassara but rather he had a kind of pity on him and after all Nassara did for him, Atim was grateful and he spared him. So the end was a good twist beacause we don't expect that and it leaves an open end.

    Dimanche 21 Janvier 2018 à 23:40
    At first , Atim wanted to kill Nassara because it was his grandfather's wish but since during the movie he was away from his grandfather , gphe had no one telling him what to do , no one feeding his hatred so he realised that he didn't hate Nassara enough to kill him .
    Mardi 23 Janvier 2018 à 14:00

    1STMG2 : je suis Atim et je vais vous raconter mon histoire en espagnol :

    Mi padre murió cuando era bébé.Nassara lo asesinó durante la guera civil del Chad.Yo soy heurfano y crecí con mi abuelo.Para vengar a mi padre,empecé a buscar su asesino,conseguí encontrato.quise matarlo,pero comencé a trabajar con el y al tejer lazos.Me consideraba como su hijo y queriá adoptarle porque su mujer no lograba tener niños.Pero necesitaba el conscentimiento de mi abuelo .Yo tenía llevé a Nassara en el desierto,vendar los ojos, le hice creer que lo llevaba a ver a mi abuelo,para que pueda adoptarme,pero era una trampa mientras que debía matarlo.Llegaba al desierto,mi abuelo me ordenaba matarlo, estaba a punto de matarlo pero yo no tave el coraje . Aproveché que mi abuelo sea ciego para tira dos balas en el aire. Por fin, lo dejé solo ser tierra y me fui con mi abuelo.

      Relizado por ; Zouina , Nashra , Mounia y CHAIMA



    Dylan, Mickael,Edgar
    Jeudi 25 Janvier 2018 à 09:20

    204 M. Del Campo


    ¡Hola Atim! Quería agradecerte porque no me has quitado la vida. Yo sé que tienes mucha rabía contra mí pero tengo que agradecerte. Espero que me perdones un día. Si sabía que la persona que maté era tu padre hoy estaría vivo. Lamento lo que he hecho. Nunca quise hacerte daño. Te concidero y te concidaré como un hijo para mí. Si quieres, un día podemos tomar un té y hablar. Nunca olvidaré lo que has hecho para mí. Adiós espero que me respondas.

    NASSARA, el doce de enero 2018.


    Jeudi 25 Janvier 2018 à 09:32

    204 DEL CAMPO

    ¡Hola! Nassarra.

    Yo soy Atim.

    Sabes que esto no es una carta de disculpas, porque nunca te pardonaré por lo que me hiciste vivir, porque vivír sin padre por tu propria falta que nunca conoci y una vez por tu culpa.

    Fui humiliado porque llevo el nombre de Atim que significò el huérfano.

    Te guardas la vida a pesar del dolor que me hiciste aguantar pero no espero reconocimiento a causa de tu estado de salud sino sabes que nunca te pardonaré y el portal del infierno te està abierto rescatarte a la mezquita, estrictamente no sirve para nada.

    Ademàs le daría a tu mujer el niño al que siempre habría deslado y le daría el respeto y el amor que le hace falta y sepa también  que el , odio que te llevo recíproca por su parte.

                                                                                                                                                    ¡Buen fin de  vida Nassara!



    L'ASSAUT 6
    Jeudi 25 Janvier 2018 à 09:37

    Hola , Atim se que te escribo esta carta con mi corazon y me gustaria que leyeras asta el final. Lamento absolumente lo que hice , no queria lo que sucedio , pero lamentable fui fonzado , pero hoy la gente me considera un monstruo , nadi me quiere ,no me quiere que mi esposa no pueda tener hijos , siento la Soledad como nadie en la tiera y no quiero sentirlo mas , se que no tienes mas pachey esto por mi culpa y lo siento mucho. Para perdonarme , espero poder brindarle el apoyo que necesita . La presencia de un pache incluso adoptivo no debe subestimarse , tu es un buen chico y quiero que tengas el mejor futuro posible .


      • L'ASSAUT 7
        Mardi 30 Janvier 2018 à 13:21

        magnifique je LIKEEEEEEE

    Lundi 29 Janvier 2018 à 09:21






    Daratt is a movie about justice, forgiveness and retribution. This film has similarities with a western movie. There is a protagonist called Atim. He looks like a cowboy because on the poster he is holding a gun. The scene takes place in the desert. The atmosphere is very tense because there is not a lot of dialogues. The story talks about Atim, a man who wants to revenge his father’s death after the civil war. It’s a personal justice. Atim can’t rely on the government because they don’t punish the criminals for their bad deeds. There is an amnesty. Nassara, the other important character of the movie tries to make amends for his crimes by doing charity and going to the mosque. He is the murderer of Atim’s father. He will finally be punished by life because he will suffer from solitude, he will never have kids and will remain unloved : indeed Atim will forgive him but refuse to become his adopted son.




    I didn’t like this movie because there is not much action. The end is confusing. I don’t understand why Nassara’s wife lost her baby. It’s a sad film.



    Chaïma Benabdallah 204




    Lundi 29 Janvier 2018 à 09:22






    Atim is a 16-year-old orphan, he lives with his blind grandfather in Chad, his father is dead, he was killed during the civil war. At the end of the war, they hear on the radio that the government decreed a general amnesty. The old man then gives a weapon to his grandson and asks him to find the man who killed his father and to avenge him. At his arrival in N'Djamena Atim meets Moussa who will help him in his quest ; he will stay at his place for a while. when he finds the murderer, this one proposes to Atim to work at his bakery : Atim doesn’t miss this opportunity to avenge his father so he becomes his apprentice…




    There are some passages in this movie that I appreciated and others that I found annoying and repetitive, there is not much action and the characters speak little. However I like the message of peace this film discloses.




    By Imène JAA, 204




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